
What I learned from youth sports

What I learned from youth sports

By Michael Harland

As I sit at a soccer tournament with my kids, I see a couple of things reinforced about the more successful and higher level teams. This also holds true within the different age groups of their own club in CT.

The success has nothing to do with skill set. Both kids play at high levels and it’s every age group there, from 7-17. When I think about it, these things also hold true with the adults that I work with.

What are these things? Work ethic and discipline. The people that are willing to work the hardest and commit to whatever it is they’re fighting for almost always outperform everyone else.

Think about that; the most committed, hardest workers are the leaders. Not the most talented or gifted people.

Now do this for me; think about a goal you have and ask yourself if you’re truly committed to it and actually working hard for it. If not, do you really want to accomplish whatever it is you said you wanted? Or did you just say it because it sounded good?








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